
Louise Sinniah-Burr - Client for 2 years

Paul Marsh has coached me just over 2 years. It started with a crazy two and a half year goal/plan/dream to compete at international level in my first year as a Master (M1) at Powerlifting. Paul saw potential and his belief in my ability (which has been shaky on my part at times!) has been the cornerstone of early successes; this year I competed for England at Commonwealths as a Senior, u52kg lifter. Now we are only a matter of months from making it a reality and I know I wouldn’t be where I am if I hadn’t made the brilliant decision to train under him.
Coming from a strength and conditioning background I entrusted Paul with my Programming from the beginning (Powerlifting programming is very specific), making him accountable. But Paul also treats me as in individual and his support frequently extends beyond his Programming. This is what in my mind makes him a Coach, not a Personal Trainer. And this is what actually makes us mutually accountable for my progress in terms of making me want to dedicate myself 100% for myself and him. I think this is a critical element of any successful coaching relationship; excuses don’t get results.
Paul's quiet, positive, and calm manner makes sessions with him enjoyable and productive. And when competing, his approach helps alleviate some of the pressure. Paul is also extremely patient with finding the right cues and ways of communicating honest feedback to get the best out of his clients. In addition, he has managed to build a strong, successful powerlifting community from scratch. Inheriting a support network of like-minded people to keep you on track is a huge bonus of training with Paul, and has so far proven to be invaluable to the progress of each of its members.
I have absolutely zero qualms in recommending Paul to anyone…. unless it means I lose my regular timeslot with him!